
Databend Meta CLI

The binary databend-meta provides several handy commands to access the KVApi of databend meta service. databend-meta --help also includes a simple guide on using these CLI commands.


These are low level API and should be avoided using if possible:

  • Some data stored in databend-meta are correlated, adding or deleting may break these internal consistency. E.g., deleting a database when there are still tables belonging to it.

  • Most data in databend-mate are raw bytes. Data interpreting is done on the client side, i.e., by databend-query. Modifying data may lead to compatibility issues.


The command line API is limited that:

  • only string key and string value are supported.
  • seq is not supported.

Set foo=bar:

databend-meta --grpc-api-address --cmd kvapi::upsert --key foo --value bar

Output is the state before and after applying this command:

"ident": null,
"prev": {
"seq": 18,
"meta": null,
"data": [ 98, 97, 114 ]
"result": {
"seq": 20,
"meta": null,
"data": [ 98, 97, 114 ]

Set foo=bar and inform databend-meta to delete it after 5 seconds:

databend-meta --grpc-api-address --cmd kvapi::upsert --key foo --value bar --expire-after 5

Output is the state before and after applying this command and expire_at is set.

"ident": null,
"prev": {
"seq": 20,
"meta": null,
"data": [ 98, 97, 114 ]
"result": {
"seq": 21,
"meta": {
"expire_at": 1668996718
"data": [ 98, 97, 114 ]

Delete foo:

databend-meta --grpc-api-address --cmd kvapi::delete --key foo

Output is the state before and after applying this command and result is always null.

"ident": null,
"prev": {
"seq": 22,
"meta": null,
"data": [ 98, 97, 114 ]
"result": null

Get foo:

databend-meta --grpc-api-address --cmd kvapi::get --key foo

Output is the state of key foo.

"seq": 23,
"meta": null,
"data": [ 98, 97, 114 ]

Get multiple keys with mget: foo,bar,wow:

databend-meta --grpc-api-address --cmd kvapi::mget --key foo bar wow

Output is the states of every specified key.

"seq": 23,
"meta": null,
"data": [ 98, 97, 114 ]

List keys starting with foo/:

databend-meta --grpc-api-address --cmd kvapi::list --prefix foo/

Output is the key values of every key starting with prefix.

"seq": 24,
"meta": null,
"data": [ 98, 97, 114 ]
"seq": 25,
"meta": null,
"data": [ 119, 111, 119 ]